Join Us
We are a group of local people working together to maintain and improve our beautiful area of Riddells Creek and Wybejong Park for everyone to enjoy...and we love catching up over morning tea. You can become involved and contribute by:
Joining us the first Saturday of each month from 9:30am. Click here for location map.
Making a financial donation - $15 will buy 12 native tube stock plants
Subscribing to our email list to keep in touch with what's on and issues that are important
Whatever contribution you can make is welcome and valuable. Your interest and support also enables us to demonstrate we have an interested and engaged community. As a result, our initiatives around environmental issues and grant applications are taken seriously.
As some areas of our Reserve are part of Parks Victoria, you can also find us through Park Connect.
To receive Working Bee updates complete the form below. To make a financial contribution, please email greeningriddell@gmail.com
We appreciate your support and look forward to welcoming you.