Greening of Riddell acknowledges the contribution made by many people to create and maintain the public space of Wybejong Park. The slogan of Parks Victoria -"Healthy Parks Healthy People" was very apt during the lockdowns due to the COVID pandemic as many more people enjoyed the Park with friends, family and dogs.
We have kept the paths open, the weeds mostly under control and we have created space for the biodiversity of plants, birds, fauna and insects to flourish.
Thanks are due to our current team of brush cutters and mowers, Susie Laurie, Christina Bauer, Julie Macdonald, Tim Shurmann, Doug Scale and Lyn Hovey.
Our wonderful weeders include Heather McNaught, Jenny Bueskens, Jan Bennett, Maree Scale, Lyn, Julie, Susie and Chris. Thanks to Fergus McDonald for general maintenance and to the many occasional participants at our working bees. We have many supporters who contribute in various ways.
Wybejong Park has been a work in progress for over 30 years. We thank the initiating founders of Greening of Riddell, John Ball, Ross Horman (deceased), Robert and Reina van Loon and others.
Our sense of place has been enhanced by the work of John Ball and Robin Godfrey who have interrogated history to show what happened here before this generation of environmentalists. A picture of Wurundjeri life before whitefella occupation can be gleaned from many sources, a collection of stories and evidence yet to be collated in one place.
Thanks are also due to Melbourne Water who play an active role and fund many activities through their grant program, assistance and grants from Macedon Ranges Shire Council and Parks Victoria. The Landcare co-ordinators employed by Upper Deep Creek and Jacksons Creek EcoNetwork are a good source of information and assistance.
Photographs on the website were taken by:
Robin Godfrey
Jenny Grounds
Jean Head
Mary Hemphill
Lyn Hovey
Julie Macdonald
Maree Scale